
Harvesting at Elk River Hops

Harvesting at Elk River Hops

One of the incredible strengths of our friendly coast is our farms. The coast and all of the areas between our shorelines are some of the most productive land in the state, if not in the country. Sugar beets, corn, soybeans, dairy, and believe it or not; honey are all grown here.  We are also starting to see the very beginnings of hops production and a couple of small vineyards. 

We can grow almost anything and once we understand how to do it, we tend to do it really, really well. 

So... those hop yards looking to spread their risk out, (we also talk like accountants), let us sink our proverbial teeth into the component parts of great beer... hops, grains, water and you will be amazed at what we can do. 

The terroir of our forgotten coast is sure to lend a hand in the development of new characterisitics and qualities in your latest concoction. 

If we knew that you were going to need more hops, a heritage variety of wheat or barley we can start to partner with you to make it happen. Need organic? We have a strong and growing organic community looking for new opportunities. 

We have a tradition of working with the best and brightest to field test new growing concepts, test new, or at least different, crop varieties. Found something you want to try? Let us know. 

Most people have this idea that agriculture and farmers are old fashioned, stick in the mud sorts. The thing is; they are some of the most entrepreneurial people on the planet. But it's true, trusting the weather, hedging their bets with their expertise, understanding in their bones how all of this works together is a science and an art, kind of like beer brewing.