
We understand that brewers place a high value on the quality of the original water coming through their pipes.

Lake Huron gives us both quality AND quantity. While many other areas across the nation are facing water shortages, we have one of the world's largest freshwater sources know to man in our backyard.  

After vision, determination, and a good recipe, water is the key ingredient of beer and many other craft beverages. Often, the quality AND quantity are crucial when making beer. Impurities, minerals and other factors weigh in on the consistent taste of beer. 

On the Forgotten Coast, we have water, lots of it. Being surrounded by 150 miles of shoreline we have access to an incredible resource, Great Lakes water. Click here for a more in-depth look at our water, where we have broken down the individual community offerings. Our shoreline communities typically draw water from Lake Huron and our inland areas utilize deep aquifers. Either way, we have water. 

And when you are done brewing, go and play in it, kayak/paddle board on it. Fish in it. 

Plus it gives you a great back story, formed by glaciers the Great Lakes have more fresh water, (and no sharks) than any other place on earth. Not bad for a forgotten coast.